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17 Rewarding Retirement Gift Ideas

Retiring from decades of work in a career feels bittersweet for many employees. They’ve spent years in a particular routine, doing particular tasks. Suddenly, they won’t be doing that anymore! Some will look forward to their retirement, and others might feel anxious about what’s to come. Either way, they deserve to be rewarded and celebrated […]

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10 Gifts for People Who Work from Home

As we start a new year, it looks like WFH (work from home) is here to stay. Many companies are continuing the WFH trend, keeping a majority of their employees in remote status for the future. Working from home is now a regular lifestyle for a large portion of working Americans. So what do you […]

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What to Get Someone Who Has Everything

Sometimes, it just feels like your friends and family have it all. When it comes to Christmas time, birthdays or any other occasion where you’d give them a gift, you struggle to find one for them. They have everything already, right? You want to be sure whatever you give them is something they don’t have […]

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9 Supportive Gift Ideas for a Grieving Friend

Friendship is about love, loyalty and support. When your friend loses someone close to them, it’s important that you support them through their grief! However, sometimes we lack the words to say and instead want to give them something that we hope will help them through their situation. We’ve put together a list of some […]

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8 Gift Ideas for Wine Lovers

If you’ve got a wine lover or two in your family, then you’ve probably already decided you want to get them something related to their wine interests this Christmas. But you don’t want to go for yet ~another~ bottle of their favorite blend. Lucky for you, we’ve put together a list of some perfect gifts […]

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14 Family-Friendly Gift Ideas

As Christmas gets closer, you’ll need to start planning your gifts for everyone in the family! But, what do you get when you’re giving a family gift? It can be difficult to find something that either represents everyone or is something that the whole family can use. We’ve put together a list of family-friendly personalized […]

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9 Perfect Christmas Gifts for Your Husband

Your husband deserves a great Christmas gift this year. He gives you such love and support, so it’s important you show him just how much you care! A sweet, personalized gift is perfect for him because it adds a unique touch to anything you give. We’ve put together a list of perfect gifts to give […]

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Unforgettable Christmas Gifts for Your Wife

Let’s face it, gentlemen–most of you have slipped up at one point or another when it comes to Christmas gift shopping for your wife. Yes, you love your wife and will do anything for her, but there are times you just…forget to get her a gift for Christmas! You’ve put up decorations, posed for holiday […]

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20 One-of-a-Kind Gift Ideas for Grandma

The love between a grandmother and her grandchildren is unlike any other. Not only does she love and nurture you, but she probably also gives you candy when your Mom’s back is turned or takes you on that rollercoaster your Dad said you weren’t old enough to ride yet! It’s important that you show how […]

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What to Get Your Boyfriend for Christmas

Finding the right gift to give your boyfriend for Christmas can be a tough mission. Depending on where you are in your relationship, it’s important you show him that you enjoy being with him, but you might be nervous that your gift will be too serious or not serious enough. We’ve put together a list […]

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